About My OC

presented by NoxEchoes

Ivor Windblade

Species: Half-elf
As a half-elf, Ivor has always been a hothead.
Although inferior to his love in magic and force, Ivor's particular constitution gives him a unique resistance to damage magic, curses, and poisons. This allows him to play a very important role in both human and elf societies.

Troy Tucci

Species: Human
Despite living in a reconstituted family, Troy's childhood was a happy one. Unlike his half-elf step brother, Troy has no talent in sports. But he's really good at cooking.
Though he prefer living in human society, Troy still can make a number of friends of other species.

赵翰(Zhao Han)

Species: Human
Han has been a star player on the school basketball team since he was a child.
He is a seasoned foodie, but his diets have been strictly controlled, so he's able to maintain his current figure.

Ethan (Ethanthessis)

Species: Silver Dragon
Due to his appearance and personality, many people think Ethan is an elf, but he is actually a silver dragon -- a secret only a few people know. Although he was not good at close combat, his powerful magic was always able to inflict great pain on those who offended him.
Ethan has always been self-conscious about his weight. It is said that the power of his magic is closely linked to his figure.

Ceile Moonsong

Species: Elf
The kindhearted Ceile is well - loved and respected among the Elves. This kept her surrounded by admirers. But Ceile ignores her admirers. She only has eyes for Ivor, which was incomprehensible to many of her admirers. Gradually, rumors about her idiosyncrasies began to circulate.

敖凛(Ao Ling)

Species: Jade Dragon
The eighth son of the Dragon King of the northern sea. Compared to other siblings, he is more approachable and likes to interact with mortals.
He has a reversed scale under his chin. And once touched, he will change his personality and do many terrible things.

纯狐蓼(Chunhu Liao)

Species: Fox
Beneath Liao's lovely face lurks unexpected cleverness and cunning. He is an extraordinary creature that cannot be fathomed by ordinary reason.
His true identity and gender remain a mystery because of his ability to take on many shapes. All that is certain is that he is a being who can compete with other transcendent beings, like dragons or demons.


Species: Demon
Theo is the prince of gluttony. His pretty, harmless appearance hides all sorts of intrigue.
Theo is good at digging into the mortal soul, searching for desires and weaknesses, and corrupting them thoroughly into puppets of gluttony.

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